To Humor You: The Injustice of Justice
I still recall the first time I entered Justice. After gaining my bearings amidst the proliferation of peace signs, glitter, and neon, I had one thought cross my mind: I'm not ready for this stage of parenting. A second thought came close on its heels: this store makes my teeth hurt. The animal prints, the conflicting patterns, the music, the slogan-strewn shirts, the overwhelming saturation of pinks and purples -- the entire store, in fact -- seems calculatedly fabricated to incite dizziness, cloud judgment, and dull reasoning until you're deluded into thinking, "Oh, a storewide 40% off sale... that's a novel thing..."
But there was something so genuine about my daughter's request. She had saved up her own money, after all, ferreting away loose change and the occasional dollar bills that had been tucked into cards from grandparents and relatives. So, we went.
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To Share a Project: The Painting Continues: Tray Table Edition
I've had a few tray tables gathering dust in our basement, but then I stumbled upon this tutorial at DIY Inspired and immediately thought, I can do that. Because I'm idealistically confident that way.
The result? Tray tables that once looked like this:
now look like this:
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To Bolster Your Faith: It's Only Scary When You Don't Know How It Ends
I overhear my children talk as they're watching a video. It's one they've seen before, and they're coming to a suspenseful scene.
My five-year-old grows nervous. "I don't want to watch. This is scary."
"It's only scary when you don't know how it ends," my eight-year-old responds, matter-of-factly. "You know that everything works out, so you don't need to be scared."
I'm sweeping the kitchen floor as she says this, and I mull over her words: "It's only scary when you don't know how it ends."
I've been fearful lately. I have friends who are wrestling with profound problems and hurts: personal challenges, relational difficulties, financial setbacks, emotional struggles, and health issues. My heart aches for them. I face mountains of my own that drain my hope and energy, leaving me discouraged and weary.
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See you tomorrow for Day Four of the 2013 Blog Pause! Thanks for reading!
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