I love forsythia. I love how it brightens a hillside with bursts of fresh yellow after a long, gray winter. I love the way the word sounds as it rolls off my tongue.
Forsythia. Forsythia. Forsythia.
Go on. Say it. It has a nice ring, doesn't it?
I love forsythia so much that while driving the other day I pulled to the side of the road when I passed a wild bush of those sprawling golden flowers and broke off several branches with my bare hands and the strategic aid of a nail clipper that I found in the compartment where we keep our spare change and other dodads like golf tees (my husband), chap stick (me), and a gnawed stick from a lollipop (kids, I'm looking at you.)
Those branches are now trimmed and adorning my dining room table. It's indoor sunshine.
Moreover, it reminded me of the adorable craft that my little one recently brought home from school. You could duplicate the project easily:
Simply select a piece of construction paper, draw a framework of branches, and glue small, crumpled wads of yellow tissue paper to the branches.
Voila: forsythia!
Besides, the one thing that might be better than actual forsythia is hearing your three-year-old saying forsythia.
That definitely has a ring to it.
Celebrate Mother's Day with Then I Became a Mother, a gift of encouragement and humor for any mom with young children. Available in both Kindle and paperback editions!

Forsythia. Forsythia. Forsythia.
Go on. Say it. It has a nice ring, doesn't it?
I love forsythia so much that while driving the other day I pulled to the side of the road when I passed a wild bush of those sprawling golden flowers and broke off several branches with my bare hands and the strategic aid of a nail clipper that I found in the compartment where we keep our spare change and other dodads like golf tees (my husband), chap stick (me), and a gnawed stick from a lollipop (kids, I'm looking at you.)
Those branches are now trimmed and adorning my dining room table. It's indoor sunshine.
Moreover, it reminded me of the adorable craft that my little one recently brought home from school. You could duplicate the project easily:
Simply select a piece of construction paper, draw a framework of branches, and glue small, crumpled wads of yellow tissue paper to the branches.
Voila: forsythia!
That definitely has a ring to it.
Celebrate Mother's Day with Then I Became a Mother, a gift of encouragement and humor for any mom with young children. Available in both Kindle and paperback editions!