I'm tired. I've hit a point this summer where the long, hot days feel more exhausting than exciting. If you can be stir-crazy during the summer, the girls have managed it. We visit parks, go swimming, read stacks of library books, do crafts and activities, and yet, we reach lulls almost every day when none of us knows what to do.
Everyone seems vaguely irritated.
My last waking thought before plunging into a dreamless sleep the other night was how I could find a way to send my children away for a week.
I could accomplish so much with one uninterruped week. I could clean the house and organize closets. I could sleep until noon. Better yet, I could finish writing the final chapter of my book, something that's continually weighing on my thoughts as the deadline approaches.
Fellow moms, I'm going to tell you something that I've been telling myself these past few days:
It's normal to feel tired sometimes. Motherhood isn't an easy job. It's okay to take the kids to McDonald's or let them watch an extra half-hour of television. You don't have to have things together all of the time. Give yourself grace. You're going to make it.
I say this to myself even if I feel the contrary. Sooner or later, my reality is going to catch up with my words.
Still, if anyone is interested in watching my kids for a week to speed up the process, I'm totally game.
Everyone seems vaguely irritated.
My last waking thought before plunging into a dreamless sleep the other night was how I could find a way to send my children away for a week.
I could accomplish so much with one uninterruped week. I could clean the house and organize closets. I could sleep until noon. Better yet, I could finish writing the final chapter of my book, something that's continually weighing on my thoughts as the deadline approaches.
Fellow moms, I'm going to tell you something that I've been telling myself these past few days:
It's normal to feel tired sometimes. Motherhood isn't an easy job. It's okay to take the kids to McDonald's or let them watch an extra half-hour of television. You don't have to have things together all of the time. Give yourself grace. You're going to make it.
I say this to myself even if I feel the contrary. Sooner or later, my reality is going to catch up with my words.
Still, if anyone is interested in watching my kids for a week to speed up the process, I'm totally game.