Why We Work Together So Well

We both know it.  Joel has this habit of going to the grocery store with a list and coming home with the wrong items.  Let me clarify.  He comes how with a very close approximation of the right item, but still manages to be wrong.  Instead of two cans of corn, he'll accidentally buy two cans of creamed corn.  Instead of buying chopped green chilies, he'll buy whole green chilies.

It's part of his charm.

When he does the shopping, I write very detailed grocery lists to ward off potential misunderstanding, yet those unwanted-but-closely-related items still manage to find their way into our cupboards regularly.

This is why I had a valid excuse when Joel noticed that I had bought the wrong brand of toilet paper -- the flimsiest, roughest, most awful toilet paper that you could accidentally buy.  I told him the truth: I had meant to grab the extra soft but instead grabbed the regular.  The explanation made perfect sense to him.

The only difference between us is that when Joel accidentally buys the wrong item, he is smart enough not to do it in bulk.  I, on the other hand, thanks to a good sale and a stack of coupons, was enticed to stock up and ended up wheeling four twelve-roll packages of the wrong toilet paper out of the store.

The good news is this:

One, it was cheap.

Two, we only have 47 more rolls to go.

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  1. Lol so true. Are you hard on your hubby when he messes up the list or are you pretty forgiving? I must admit I give my husband a hard time, so he'd probably never let me live it down.

  2. Thanks for commenting, and no, I'm not hard at all in this regard. Like I said, it's part of his charm. He's quite endearing about it.

    Life's too short to be upset about creamed corn, right? ;)

  3. And bad toilet paper, for that matter!

  4. Last month my husband took it upon himself, while out, to buy feminine products so I wouldn't have to leave the house. He asked what kind, and already I was expecting a fiasco. He ended up spending half an hour wandering the aisle. He asked 2 different women for help before he finally picked something and headed home. They weren't the right kind, but I couldn't complain because he was trying to help.I'm just glad he didn't buy the economy sized box.


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