Oh, Happy Day

Do you see this baby?  This eyes-still-scrunched, face-still pink, fists-still-balled six pounds, one ounce baby girl?

She grew into a one-year-old who lunged face-first for her first slice of birthday cake,

turned into a two-year-old who discovered how to smear diaper cream over her face while quietly playing in her room,

developed into a three-year-old who learned to embrace her new role as as a big sister,

matured into a four-year-old who couldn't ever explore and question enough,

and became a five-year-old with a flair for performing.  And random costumes.

She's six today.

You think you couldn't possibly love them any more, and then you do.

Happy birthday, Reese.  You are a wonder.

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  1. "You think you couldn't possibly love them any more, and then you do."

    Choked me up.

    Happy birthday, Reese!

  2. aw Happy Birthday Reese! Six was a great year for me :)

  3. Happy Birthday, Reese!

    (And you're right. Every day, a little more love.)

  4. Happy happy birthday Reese!!!!! What a gorgeous day to celebrate wonderful you!!!

  5. I love, love, love the look on her face in the "big sister" photo! So cute!

    They grow up fast...


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