The Day Consumed by Zucchinis

There are moments in life when you reach a point of decision and say, with every ounce of moxy you can muster, enough is enough.  That was me this morning when I regarded the twenty two zucchinis (some rivaling the size of whiffle ball bats) that had accumulated on my kitchen counter.

I made a declaration: This is the day when I will conquer those zucchini.  In a veritable zucchini-style veni, vedi, vici, I systematically attacked those gourds.  I now have ten zucchini breads and fifteen dozen (fifteen dozen!) chocolate chip zucchini cookies in my freezer to vouch for that fact.

My day was utterly consumed by zucchini.  And, amazingly, I didn't get through them all.  After pulling the last batch of cookies from the oven, I still had a sizable bowl of leftover shredded zucchini and four whole zucchini sitting on the counter, mocking me.

Don't even get me started on my tomatoes.

Or my apples.

Come to think of it, all of my produce.

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  1. Slice up those remaining zucchini and toss them in a veggie and bean soup. Also, I'll take a few of those loaves off your hands. :)

    1. Oooh... soup! I hadn't thought of doing that yet. Thanks for the tip, Bridget!

  2. Would you be willing to share the cookie recipe?

    1. Of course! I got the recipe here:


  3. Zucchini.....umm....cookies? Ok, THIS I have to try!

    1. Yes, try them! They're surprisingly good!


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