Dear May, Your Arrival Is More Than Welcome.

After a bitterly cold winter and a dreary entrance into spring, this morning I was heartened to flip the calendar.  Finally, it is May.

I thought that spring would have sprung during the month of April.  While warmth and blue skies occasionally graced us, we finished the month with chilly temperatures, consistent rain, and an unwelcome bout of the stomach bug.  (Keeping consistent with our long-standing family track record, the stomach bug reared it's head at 2:30 in the morning.  My children, apparently, only vomit when concealed in the cloak of darkness.)

But now it is May, and somehow, this signifies the promise of relief.  May marks the end of the semester; by the end of next week, my final grades will be submitted.  While various aspects of work will continue, my life should resume a more humane pace. 

Also, early May marks the season for tulips.  How could I not feel happier when I consider a tulip lifting its delicate head toward the sunshine?  It's outdoor therapy.

Yes, dear May, your arrival this year is more than welcome.  So glad that you're here.

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  1. Yes - yes yes... CHEERS to May! I don't know how you do it all- the grading and teaching and parenting and living!! Oh, and WRITING!!

    Lets hold on to those tulips and remember the 'record'- it always comes, sweet May. No matter how on earth it travels in ... it always comes. Thank God!

    1. Yes, thank God, indeed! So glad that May comes!

  2. The fact that the college semester ends a month earlier than K-12 schools rocks my world, theoretically at least. When all three of my children are actually old enough to be in school (which will open up the month of May for me fully), my world will be rocked in every sense of the word!

    I'm so glad that the warmer weather looks like it's here to stay. Right after I posted this we plunged back into cold. Sigh. We'll get there!

  3. May is my favorite and my best. (And vomit in the middle of the night is my worst. In more than twelve years of parenting, the stomach flu has only begun during sunlit hours ONCE.)

    1. I wish I didn't have to tell you this, but the stomach bug returned to our house last night again (this time, a different kid) at 1:30 and 4:00 in the morning. I am so spent....

    2. To put it in Biblical terms, my bowels are filled with sympathy towards you. Massive, enormous sympathy. I wish you lived close so I could make you some type of food. Does FedEx deliver casseroles?


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