The Button at the End of This Blog Post

On occasion, members of my family overlook the most obvious things.  My daughters can't find their shoes even when those shoes are sitting directly on top of the shoe rack.  My husband can't spot the milk that's behind the juice in the refrigerator.  I can't locate my car keys, but then I realize that they're already in my hand.  (Please tell me that you've done this before, too.)

Hidden in plain sight.  It's an odd phenemonon. 

If I want to feel better about these oversights, I remind myself that Edgar Allen Poe's short story, The Purlioned Letter, was based on the very premise of overlooking the obvious.  Then I imagine that we're not just being oblivious; we're actually providing fodder for literature.  (See?  This is all for the arts.)

At any rate, could I take a quick moment to highligh something for you?  Direct your attention to the button at the end of this blog post.  That brown, rectangular one.  This button indicates my participation in Top Mommy Blogs, a directory of (surprise, surprise) blogs about motherhood.  It's tucked at the bottom of all my posts, which is an obvious yet easy-to-overlook placement, kind of like shoes sitting on a shoe rack. 

Or milk in the refrigerator.  Or car keys in my hand.  You get the drift.

So, please let me shine a spotlight on that little button and explain why it's there.  When you click it, it counts as a vote for Pink Dryer Lint in the Top Mommy Blogs directory, which ultimately enables more women to visit here and enjoy these posts.

It's a spiral of hapiness, really.

Now that you see it, I'd be honored if you'd take a second to click it.  (And if you already vote, thank you!)  You can vote once each day, and each vote makes a difference.  I appreciate your support!

Visit Top Mommy Blogs To Vote For Me!

1 comment

  1. Heather BoneyApril 27, 2013

    I found you on TMB. I am not a member yet, but plan to become one in the next few days. I have seen the buttons on many blogs that I read, but for some reason never clicked on one until tonight. I was intrigued by your blog title because the color pink is a defining characteristic of mine (which I go into more detail about here: and because my blog is about finding reasons to smile in everyday life...much like yours. Please come check me out sometime and I'll see you on TMB! (Btw, I clicked your button) :)


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