A Report of Cautious Optimism: Spring Seems to be Springing

I'm cautiously optimistic that spring finally has sprung. 

We've needed this.  Oh, we've needed this badly.  I've reached the uppermost limits of my patience and good graces with games of indoor tag and children despondently flopping themselves on the couch.  I'm past the 30 degree mornings when I need to cram my hands into my jacket pockets because I refuse to be wearing gloves just out of spite.  I'm terribly bored with my winter wardrobe.  There's about seven pounds of winter dirt that needs to be swept off our garage floor.  The minivan needs a thorough cleaning both inside and out.  And the yard -- the yard need some loving.

It's finally getting warm enough to rectify all of this.

The only glitch is that I'm in the throes of the final weeks of the semester, and this prevents me from launching into the massive spring cleaning escapades that I've plotted.  Students seem to be determined to keep submitting assignments (ones that I've assigned, mind you), which suggests that I need to be determined to keep grading them.

It's a vicious cycle.

The good news is that after operating on a university-schedule for eight years, I've developed an internal clock that indicates when I'm nearing the end of a semester.  It works the opposite of a sea turtle's navigation system, though, meaning that I become more disoriented when it kicks in.  I wake up uncertain of which day of the week it is.  My mind becomes like a bulletin board covered with post-it notes with a high-powered oscillating fan blowing on it.  Every thought is flapping in the breeze, dangerously loose, capable of being whisked away and eternally forgotten.

To compensate, I begin writing things down on actual post-it notes, which I place in locations so safe that not even I can find them when I'm looking for them.

And yet, miraculously, we'll all hold together and finish the semester, at which point I'll search for my spring to-do lists, roll up my sleeves, and get to an entirely different kind of work.

What aspect of spring are you most looking forward to these days?

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  1. I am looking forward to the kids playing outside until dusk, then coming inside covered in dirt and smiles. If that dirt would somehow not fall over my kitchen floor, that would be even more awesome.

  2. Ah, that's a good one. If you ever figure out how to manage it (the non-dirt-falling-over-the-kitchen-floor, that is) would you shoot me a message?

  3. I'm dying to hear the lulling drone of lawn mowers that kick up the best Spring perfume into the nostrils. To hang my washing outside till dusk, and to be sipping a beer on the patio. Seems like a dream from another life right now (the UK has suffered the longest winter in living memory too). See my post 'Help, Get me out of this Narnia!' for a little of my feelings on this subject! http://wp.me/p2oDmP-fZ

  4. Heather BoneyApril 27, 2013

    Sounds to me like you need the post-its that have adhesive over the entire backside... :) Have you seen those? I must say I'm a fan...of them and your blog.

    I, too, am looking forward to cleaning the cruiser inside and out as well as the garage. I'm glad to know my garage isn't the only one that builds up dirt in the winter!
    My longing for spring was evident on Wednesday: http://thefrilloflife.blogspot.com/2013/04/six-word-wednesday_25.html

  5. No, I've never seen post-its that are entirely adhesive! I certainly could use those. :)

    Thanks for the kind words!


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