Leftovers and New Mercies

For dinner last night, I served leftover Chinese takeout and pizza from the weekend.  It was one of those meals when I microwaved individual plates, added grapes to the menu as an afterthought, and scarfed down my food before we rushed out the door to soccer practice.  A flurry of reminders (grab your shin guards) and warnings (just-get-in-the-van-NOW) must have lingered in the air even after I slammed the door shut behind us.

I was surly.  I was tired.

Spending an hour in fresh air at the soccer field did little to improve my mood. 

Somehow, the night wore on and the kids ended up tucked into bed with their teeth brushed and pajamas on.  I don't remember the particulars; I just recall staggering back downstairs and looking over my kitchen: dirty dishes still on the table, rice and an overturned cup on the floor, unsorted paperwork from my daughter's school on the counter, toys scattered across the family room, shoes everywhere (really, how many feet do we have in this family?

The dishwasher needed to be emptied.  The counter needed to be wiped.  The floor desperately needed to be swept.  And scrubbed.  Perhaps sand-blasted.

In the hallway I spotted my work bag, tilted with a binder and papers spilling forth -- tangible reminders of the speeches and essays I needed to grade, spreadsheets I had to update, and final lectures I ought to plan. 

In response, I simply turned around, slowly climbed the steps, and went to bed. 

Sometimes the most spiritual thing we can do is go to sleep.  Nothing else was going to get squeezed out of me last night.  Instead of fighting, I simply yielded.

Mess: 1, Robin: 0.  You got me today, mess.  I've surrendered.

God's mercies are new every morning.  Perhaps one way we can realize this is by floundering though a day, but waking up the next morning and recognizing that we've been given another shot.

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  1. Maria SykesApril 17, 2013

    I've been catching up on your posts...my what good it does my soul to read your prose! Thank you again and again!

  2. Yes! Sometimes we need the refreshment and re-energizing a good night's sleep provides along with a fresh perspective in the morning. Plus a great cup of coffee, of course. :-)

  3. The best line from this blog entry: "The floor desperately needed to be swept. And scrubbed. Perhaps sand-blasted." Amen, sister, . I've been here!

  4. I love this. I've been there... we've all been there. I love the statement that "God's mercies are new every morning". Indeed and amen!

    Wishing you a lovely day.

  5. Love it! Sometimes going to bed is the only solution. We all have those days - I hope this one was better for you!

  6. We should initiate some sort of not-so-secret handshake, then. Solidarity of the dirty kitchen floors!

  7. Glad to hear that this give-up-and-go-to-bed-gig has been a solution for you, too!

  8. Kim, you hit the nail on the head -- the morning brings with it a fresh perspective. Even if the kitchen floor is still as dirty as it was the night before, somehow it's a bit more bearable when you're rested.
    I'm going to perhaps publically ostracize myself here by admitting that I'm not a coffee drinker, but I follow your sentiments: caffiene can be a Godsend when you need a kick.

  9. The mess has beaten me for 20 days straight. So I'm learning to appreciate the small victories (junk drawer, you are so organized. Boo-ya.) while treading water in chaos. Someday we'll eventually beat the mess. Right? RIGHT?

  10. Love this and I've done this. I hate walking away from that kind of "mess" - worried that it would be a terrible start to the next day. However, sometimes we need to walk away and take the time to nurture and refresh ourselves.

  11. I hear you! I hate walking away from messes, but sometimes that clear head that only can come from a good night's sleep is the very thing that lets me tackle it afresh the next day!


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