Talking about Myself

Sometimes I discover that I'm talking aloud to myself.  Perhaps I hope that by vocalizing my thoughts outside of my head I might have a fighting chance to remember the to-do lists swirling inside of my head.

Go on.  Admit it.  You do this, too.  I can't be the only person who walks into a room repeating a list of things I need to gather.  Saying it aloud ensures that I'll only need to go back one additional time to collect what I forgot, rather than two or three times.  See?  It's a time-saving device.

We talk aloud to ourselves.

If you're anything like me, you might also realize that you talk about yourself.  I'm not referring to engaging in conversation with others and sharing information about yourself, but rather the type of talk we speak over ourselves.  Our self-talk.  Those under-the-breath one-liners that identify how we feel about ourselves.

The other day my two-year-old sat on the couch surrounded by toys and books.  As she flipped through the pages of a board book, opening and closing the flaps, she quietly cheered herself on:  "Yay, Brooke.  You did it!"

This girl talks about herself, and she's nice about it.  She tells herself that she's doing a good job.

I like that.  We don't do this for ourselves as often as we should, I fear.  Showing ourselves kindness is more than just flippantly patting ourselves on the back.  When I speak about myself kindly, I'm aligning my thinking with how God thinks about me.  His banner over me is love.  He's for me, not against me.  He has good plans and purposes for my life, plans to prosper me and not to harm me, plans to give me a hope and a future.

He's saying good things about me.  That is why I can say good things about myself.

Yay, Robin!  (Kiss hand and place on forehead.)  Case closed.


  1. And you're made in HIS doesn't get any better than that. Bravo, Robin, bravo. It just about made me cry.

  2. This is a really great post. Thank you for sharing. I talk out loud all the time and mutter under my breath when things go wrong. My daughter is a high-five kinda girl, so this is a good reminder to give myself a high-five out-loud too.
    Karen ~Georgia Angel

  3. That was a lovely read. It's important to acknowledge ourselves and that often means we have to talk to ourselves, too. I do it often. My husband witters away to himself constantly!

    CJ xx

  4. I do spend to much time beating myself up. I also talk to myself when I am grocery shoping. Then I catch myself and I wonder if others think I am crazy!

  5. That is better, much better than saying, "Oh shucks your such an idiot"....which is what I do to myself all day long. LOL!!!

    Heather From and Mommy Only Has Two Hands! and Lynhea Designs

  6. P.S. New follower from Mommy TLC!!

    Heather From and Mommy Only Has Two Hands! and Lynhea Designs


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