Essays. Last Wednesday I collected final essays of the semester, and I set a goal to grade five of them that very day. Remarkably, I reached that goal. To put this in better context, this is 5 more essays than I normally grade on the day that I collect essays. (I typically spend the day crying softly to myself.)
Even better, like a boss I've maintained that goal of grading 5 per day since then. Just 22 more to go...
No Shortage of Confidence in the Kramer Household. Sometimes during dinner we play Would You Rather? Recently I posed this prompt: "Would you rather be able to sing remarkably well or be ridiculously smart?" My one daughter's answer was quick: "I'd rather sing remarkably well. I'm already ridiculously smart."
A Fresh Coat of Paint. Because not enough was going on (see "essays" above), I decided that it was time to paint my daughters' bedroom this weekend. Last night I tackled the first coat, this morning I painted the second, and just fifteen minutes ago I pulled the painter's tape off the trim and basked in the results. The room is a mature and soothing gray-blue hue called Silver Blue Pearl. When my daughters' balked at its grayness, I simply renamed the color Unicorn Mist. They've been on board ever since.
Oh, the power of a name.
Is Sherwin Williams Hiring? Come to think of it, I really would like to be the person responsible for naming paint colors, until we get to the beige section, of course. That would grow tedious, and I'd probably end up getting snarky: Beige. Slightly Less-Beigey-Beige. Brown Paper Bag Beige. Manila Envelope Beige. Muted Meh Beige. The Beige that Looks Like All the Other Beiges.
Refill? Dear reader, Is your tea nearly finished? Would you like a refill? Is it snowing where you live, too? There are so many questions I could ask! I hope your weekend is unfolding in the best possible way. Until next time, thanks for chatting with me!
I drove in snow this month while traveling out of down for a bridal shower! So crazy!
I drove in snow this month while traveling out of down for a bridal shower! So crazy!