It's the typical routine that brings a semester to a close, but I've noticed something different this time around -- namely, I'm not quite as tired. I've managed a healthier work-life balance this semester, a feat that has eluded me for the past few years. Granted, I still faced a few weeks when I feared I was drowning in essays and might never reach the bottom of the stack, but those weeks passed. I felt tension, but not all 15 weeks were characterized by it.
For example, my ten-year-old hung our stockings.
She also draped random strings of indoor lights around picture frames and mirrors, which adds a tacky dorm-room vibe to our décor, but I'm systematically editing that part of the picture.
There's evidence that these kids of mine are nicely settling into a new era -- a Capable-of-Doing-Stuff era. I had been grading speeches; they had been decorating. All of us had been entirely content, busy with our own tasks, which then creates opportunities for a few more moments like this:
And this:
(On a side note, have I told you that I've decided to become a tea drinker instead of being a person who merely likes the idea of tea? This decision resulted from careful, systematic thought about the benefits of having a beverage ritual. And the fact that someone gave me six boxes of tea and I didn't quite know what to do with them.)
Wishing you little sips of refreshment this day in December, my friends.
So glad to read this! Have a very merry Christmas, dear friend!