Eleven Days of Blogging Silence

It's rare for me to let any length of time slip by without writing, but several extenuating circumstances have disrupted my blogging flow lately. 

By extenuating circumstances, I mean that I've been violently sucked into a vortex of grading for the classes I'm teaching, shuffling multiple children to multiple soccer practices, navigating a challenging situation, packing and unpacking our family's belongings for back-to-back weekends away from home, and replacing our old computer after it faltered, froze, and then ultimately crashed in the most frustrating fashion last week.

In short, my work-life balance descended from the already tenuous level of "kinda, sorta but not really balanced" to the level of "look out, this girl is going down."

So yesterday, I did just that.  I took a lesson from my computer and crashed.  There was nothing profound about it -- just a late afternoon nap on top of an unmade bed during which my mind, for the first time in weeks, stopped racing.

And, not surprisingly, things feel better now. 

There's no shame in crashing.  We all periodically need rebooting.

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  1. I'm so glad you got a nap but sorry to hear about all the events leading up to it! Great reminder that we can all give ourselves the freedom to "crash" now and then . . . and it likely will make us and those around us feel better!

  2. I was just about to send you an email to see if all was okay. Let me know if I can pray for you in any specific way. You're always in my prayers though my friend... I hope you know that. I treasure you and I'm glad to know that yesterday, you took care of you.

    Wishing you much peace and love.

    1. Many, many, many thanks, Jennifer! So appreciated!

  3. Hi Robin! I just came back from a two week blog-break so I understand from crashes. I hope your mind is still at ease today? We sure do need rebooting from time to time. I can attest to that.
    Maybe another nap today?

    1. Oooh... two naps in the span of two days would be so remarkably indulgent... like hot fudge over ice cream with a brownie on the side. Sadly, another nap doesn't seem possible, but yesterday's was WELL worth it. :)

  4. Good for you! We all need to crash sometimes and not feel guilty for it. Last week and this one, our schedules have been insanely busy. Most days, I file like I'm just barely treading water.

    1. Why is it that the schedule of an entire family decides to absolutely blow up at precisely the same time? I hope that you can find some moments when life simmers down. Tread on! :)

  5. I was getting curious about you! Glad you got some down time!

    1. I had no intentions to periodically fall off the face of blogging, that's for certain. Even if my schedule had been lighter, the computer was what did me in. (We're still trying to rescue some of our old files and pictures from the hard drive.)

      At any rate, it's good to be back. Thank you for thinking of me, Michelle!

  6. This time of year is so hard. I feel like I'm finally able to keep my head above water if I stand on my tippy-toes, but one change in our routine, one calamity, one extra errand, and I go back under.
    I'm so glad you took a little time for you to recharge. Here's hoping we find a little bit of higher ground soon.

    1. You should know that I thought of your your "falling apart in fall" post while writing this. (And, ironically, I remember my comment about how I tend to fall apart a bit later -- normally near the start of October -- which is pretty much just what went down.)

      Yes, I hope that we both can find (and retain) a bit of that higher ground.


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