Snow Days Are Even Better As Adults

Before going to sleep last night, I placed my cell phone on the nightstand beside my bed.  The weather forecast had called for 4-8 inches of snow overnight, the girls were certain that school would be cancelled, and I wondered if my morning classes on campus would be impacted.

Our campus doesn't shut down readily.  I can count on one hand the number of times weather has disrupted any university activity over the past decade.

But today, it happened.  Today, I woke up, rolled over, grabbed my cell phone, and squinted into its bright screen to read the text alert that the university would be operating on a two hour delay.

I'm still wearing slippers.  We've already baked cupcakes.  The neighbor kids have come over.  They're building a couch-cushion fort in the basement while the snow from their boots melts onto the floor mat at our front door.

It's as good as a snow day as they come.

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  1. Woohoo for snow days! Sounds like a great start to the day already. What kind of cupcakes did you make? Did you get a turn in the fort yet?

    Wishing you a wonderful snow day (and a chinook to melt some of that white stuff).

  2. Did you know that I had to look up the term "chinook"? And now that I know what it is, I'll take it.
    As for those cupcakes.... chocolate and vanilla marble. Not bad at all, even if five kids were on the decorating team!

  3. I made you, a brilliant professor, look up a word?! Wow!

    I'm not sure if the term "chinook" applies to your region BUT it's used loosely when we have unseasonably warm weather.

    Mmmm, those cupcakes sound delicious (and I bet they have loads of icing on them)!

  4. Nothing makes me feel like a kid again the way snow days do. I hope you got some sledding in as well.

  5. Totally agree! I live for not dropping my preschooler off at the crack of the cold.

  6. My poor kids never get snow days- first world homeschooling problems and all that. However, I did cancel math on Monday so we could mourn Peyton's loss in the Superbowl. Not as awesome as a couch fort or cupcakes for breakfast, but it will do.
    Enjoy your snow day friend.

  7. I'd cancel math to mourn Peyton's loss, too, if I were a Bronco's fan. Let's see: 42 minus 8 = (quiet sobbing.)

  8. Bridget, you're right -- a snow day provides a great reversion to kid-ness, which is needed every once and a while.

  9. Yep, you had me at :)
    You're so right about the icing. MOUNDS of icing.


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