The Winner: Hello Kitty Bingo

Admittedly, I have short stamina with certain games.  Don't Break the Ice creates suspense, but setting up takes longer than actually playing a round.  A game of Uno Attack is unpredictable.  You think you're almost finished, but then one press of a button tosses a dozen additional cards into circulation and generates another 30 minutes of playtime.  Imaginative play with dolls reduces itself to vapid, arbitrarily constructed, exclamatory dialogues that drain the creative life-force from me.

Doll One: "Hello! My name is Emily. How are you?" 

Doll Two: "Good! My name is Sarah. How are you?" 

Doll One: "Good!"

Twenty minutes of playing with dolls can span a minor eternity.

But Hello Kitty Bingo?  I can handle Hello Kitty Bingo, which is good because my youngest daughter wants to play it ever single day, multiple times per day.

So, this is what I did for nearly an hour this afternoon before my two older daughters returned from school, and it's also the reason that I don't have a more substantive blog post for the day.

Hello Kitty won out. 

Or, more accurately, my daughter won out.  Or, perhaps most accurately, she and I both won out.  After all, thirty-one days of blogging about everyday awesomeness means that more emphasis should be placed on discovering the awesome bits tucked within the daily minutia, than on the blogging itself.

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  1. Hello Kitty just gave me a great idea for my daughter's birthday wishlist. Thanks for the post!

  2. We have a Strawberry Shortcake game that's our every single day, multiple times per day' game. The game itself gets a little tedious after the fifth or sixth time, but the conversation over the board; never.

  3. One thing that's nice is that one side is pictures and the other side is letters, so you can adjust for different ages and abilities. Hope you can find it!

  4. I love playing board games with my daughter. I can't wait until my littlest is old enough to join the fun. We play a board game every night to start my daughter's bedtime routine.

    Have you ever played the Peaceable Kingdom line of games? I love them. They're so cute and they are cooperative games so we work together to have a mutual victory. We have several; Hoot Owl Hoot, Stone Soup, Mermaid Island, and Count Your Chickens. So much fun.

    Thanks for sharing your adventures in Hello Kitty Bingo!

  5. I haven't heard about Peaceable Kingdom games, but I love the idea of cooperative games! We have one "team-building" game, and the irony is that my eight-year-old strongly dislikes it. She's uber-competitive. (No idea where she gets this from.... ha....)


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