It's Birthday Season

One of our family's claim to fame is that we knock out four out of five birthdays in less than a one-month time span.  This particular weekend is a real hotbed of festivities, being that Brooke's birthday is today and Kerrington's birthday is on Monday.  Kind of like a Mother's Day sandwich. 

In other words, there's no risk of any of us going into hypoglycemic shock from a lack of sugar intake, that's for certain.  We're all about prevention here.  Safety first.

Earlier this morning Brooke and I attended a Moms are Magnificent breakfast at her preschool, which was a lovely event.  So lovely, in fact, that pretty much every other mother came looking beautiful -- refreshing spring colors, pretty sundresses, fun accessories.  Apparently, I missed the "be cute" memo and arrived in jeans, a casual tee, flats, and no makeup.  But this is okay, because Brooke, the day's star, made up for me.

This girl dazzles, I tell you.  She's never met a color combination that fazes her, and in her eyes, no patterns are too busy to work together.  I love this about her.

Run with it girl.  Do your thing.  I'll always be here to high-five your brilliance, my exceptionally colorful five-year-old.

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  1. That's the way to go, Lisa! Knock 'em all out in one fell swoop! Happy Mother's Day to you, as well!

  2. torysmamaMay 13, 2013

    I love your blog and the title!


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