Title: The Aftermath of Yielding to Temptation
Subtitle: What happens when a three-year-old notices that there is a batch of freshly-baked brownies cooling on the kitchen counter.
Humor. Faith. Parenting. Daily Life.
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ha, ha. I've a couple cakes with tiny hand prints in them as well.
ReplyDelete(Imagine me saying the following sentence in my best Tombstone voice.) Why I believe these brownies were more than she could bear.
ReplyDeleteWell, those look like they would have tempted anyone..lol
ReplyDeleteHaha! Oh that is priceless!
ReplyDeleteI'm usually the problem, not the kids ;-)
ReplyDeleteKate's right. It's priceless.
ReplyDeleteI think the three-year-old in my wants to come out when I see brownies cooling on the counter as well.
I just found your blog and I love it! Thank you for posting about the cute, happy things that make life real.
Rebecca =)
Thanks, Rebecca! Much appreciated!