The First Meeting

Recently Bob Brody contacted me to write a guest post for Letters to My Kids about how I met my husband.

Know this: I'm a person who entertained herself during childhood by composing an annual letter to myself, putting it in my stocking, and opening it the following Christmas.  In essence, this was like writing to a prescient version of myself -- almost a backwards version of Future Dwight sending faxes to his past self in The Office.

But I digress.

The point is that writing a letter to my daughters about meeting their father sounded like a terrific idea, and I'd like to thank Bob for the opportunity to contribute a guest post to his site.  Here it goes:

Dear Reese, Brooke, and Kerrington,

Once you're finished, feel free to drop me a line to share how you met your spouse.  I'd love to hear your stories!

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1 comment

  1. Vivian KirkfieldFebruary 15, 2012

    Thank you for sharing your beautiful story.  I also contributed to Bob's Special Valentine's Letters to My Kids. I hope you'll stop by my blog on Friday, when I post a picture book reivew and craft, linking up with children's author, Susanna Hill.


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