How To Decorate a Window for the Holidays

There's something especially comforting about a house that's decorated for Christmas.  My youngest is in the stage where she must touch most everything that is shiny or colorful or not nailed down, which is why the Christmas tree possesses such magnetic appeal for her.

She hangs out behind it like it's suddenly cool to be standing in the corner behind an artificial six-foot tree because to her, it's entirely cool to be standing in the corner behind an artificial six-foot tree.  So much to look at.  So much to touch!

Altitude is the only factor working in my favor.  Although they will try, her little hands can't reach decorations that are strategically placed high enough.  Give this, one simple way to decorate in an out-of-reach fashion is to not deck the halls, but to deck a window.

To achieve this, I mount a tension-spring rod across the top of the window frame, cut ribbon at varying lengths, attach bulbs, and then let the bulbs dangle.

Simple, festive, and most importantly, out of reach.

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  1. Great idea! We're putting up the 4-ft. aluminum, again, this year. On a counter.

  2. "On a counter." That is fabulous.


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