Evolution of an Ice Cream Cone

The floor mats in the minivan are dusted with sand. The kids shine from being perpetually slathered with sunscreen. It's beach week. This is the evolution of eating an ice cream cone, kid style:

Can't get much better than this.

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  1. I love how your daughter in white is using that napkin like it'll save her face from the icecream mush that's definitely there in the last shot! :)

  2. You are absolutely right, Nothing better! Happy Summer!!!

  3. What flavor is the red and white swirl? It looks amazingly delicious!

  4. AnonymousJune 23, 2011

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  5. AnonymousJune 26, 2011

    We got ice cream cones yesterday and my son looked just like this.

  6. The red swirl is (was) a cherry dip that covered vanilla ice cream. More aptly, it was great to crunch into and then just impressively messy. So great!


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